Know Your Risk. Be Risk Ready.
We provide information about homes along the Gulf Coast. Enter a home address below to learn about the property's:
  • Natural hazard risks
  • Risk preparation options
  • HazardReadyBETA score
  • And more…
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HazardAware helps residents and community planners make their homes and communities more resilient to natural hazards.

Some examples of the property information we provide include:

  • Average hazard costs per year
  • Top hazards that may impact the property
  • Historical natural hazard risks for the property’s community
  • Chances of receiving federal disaster recovery funding
  • Future natural hazard risks
  • Community-level vulnerabilities, resilience, and flood insurance savings
  • Recommendations for natural hazard risk preparation
  • Additional tips and resources to build natural hazard resilience
A home’s HazardReadyBETA score
House Ticker
Less Resilient More Resilient

HazardReadyBETA Score

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Less Resilient

A home’s HazardReadyBETA score combines environmental, community, and building characteristics.

Wind icon Severe thunderstorm icon Tornado icon Wildfire icon Flood icon Hail icon Lightning icon Extreme cold icon

HazardAware provides the most hazard information in one place for 14,680,968 residential properties.

Every home has flood risk.
Your flood risk is getting worse.
Damage to your property is likely to far exceed the insurance payout.
Few people have the financial resources to rebuild after a disaster.
Renters receive less federal help than homeowners.
The vast majority of homes were built to outdated codes and standards.
Dependence on local property taxes drives development in risky places.
Few states require sellers to disclose all risks.
New development will likely increase your risk of flooding.
Hazards are increasing and becoming more severe.

Should you care about hazards as a homeowner, renter, or prospective homebuyer?

Is Your Home HazardReady?